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September 7, 2018

Bulk Wine Transport Reduces Carbon Footprint

Bulk Wine Transport Reduces Carbon FootprintThe wine sector continues to grow across the planet with the U.K. now the world’s leading wine importer with more than one billion bottles arriving in the country each year. In the U.S., the need to import wine is not as great with California and parts of the Northeast now playing an important role in the American industry. One of the problems the wine sector is facing is the huge carbon footprint it creates because of the vast transport usage needed for the movement of wine around the world. Bulk wine carrier, Kan-Haul is committed to lowering the carbon footprint of wine importers through its range of trucks and global partners, intent on finding new ways of lowering the carbon footprint of wine industry partners.

Wine Transport Moves With The Times

Members of the wine industry have taken ownership of their carbon production issue and are fighting for the right to develop new ways of transporting wine in an efficient way. An expert in wine transport Dallas alcohol merchants trust, Kan-Haul has become an expert in the transportation of wine in the two most common forms. Bottling at source is the most common method of creating a wine brand, but this is the least efficient in terms of transporting wine to its final destination.

Wine bottled at source is less efficient as wine bottled and stored in cardboard boxes can be packed into a shipping container at a rate of between 12,000 and 13,000 bottles. A second option is the use of a flexitank which is filled with wine and packed into a container without being bottled. The reduction in carbon released into the atmosphere is reduced as more wine can be moved in a shipping container which holds around 32,000 bottles.

More Carbon Savings

Making an impact on the carbon footprint of a wine enthusiast is the aim of Kan-Haul, which means the shipment of wine in a flexitank can impact on the local recycling industry. Countries not producing a large amount of wine rarely has a market for recycled green bottles commonly used in the bottling of wine. A good example of this is the U.K., which imports more than 1.6 billion liters of wine each year but has a glass industry focused on the production of clear products. Flexitank shipping has an impact on alcohol transport companies, such as Kan-Haul and other industries within a nation.

The recycling industry in any region where wine bottling will be increased by moving the sector away from the source of the wine. Boosting the recycling industry by creating green bottles in an area where wine moved by flexitank will be shipped can have a major impact on the economy of any region and lower the carbon emitted by reducing landfill waste.

Major Reductions In Carbon Emissions

Carbon emissions are an area of concern for all industries with the production and wine transport Dallas importers trust, but few have sought a solution as well as the alcohol transport sector. A bulk wine carrier moving liquids in a flexitank can reduce carbon emissions by between 30 and 40 percent when compared to traditional bottling at source options. Lightweight bottles are also being considered as these can lower emissions by 30 percent as transport companies seek new ways of transporting wines.

Moving bulk alcohol shipments around the country is the mission of Kan-Haul for more than three decades. Whenever you are looking to move alcohol around the country or across international borders, a call on (800) 959-9501 to Kan-Haul should be your first option to discuss your wine shipping choices.

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